EMDR & Racial Identity
As a therapist, I resource my BIPOC clients in a myriad of ways. First, I help them explore their racial identity, including their attitudes and beliefs about it and in what context their beliefs may differ. Next, I use a culturally specific version of EMDR and other culturally sensitive interventions to help them understand and strengthen their racial identity. I enjoy helping my BlPOC clients identify external resources that both serve and don’t serve their positive racial identity. We explore how they can limit their exposure to stereotypes (especially negative ones) and identify positive images and messaging about their culture for which to expose themselves. Studies have shown that positive social support, creative cultural expression (ex, art, movement, theatre, and poetry), highlighting celebration and joy, and opportunities to show strengths, including service, leadership, and character, are protective factors that help POC folks uphold a positive racial identity.
For Your Reflection
1) What’s important to you about having a racial identity?
2) What messages about your racial identity have you received that still impact you today?
3) What parts of your identity are most important to you? (ex: gender, spirituality, race, parent).
Article Source: Turner, E. A., Harrell, S. P., & Bryant-Davis, T. (2022). Black Love, Activism, and Community (BLAC): The BLAC Model of Healing and Resilience. Journal of Black Psychology, 48(3-4), 547-568. https://doi.org/10.1177/00957984211018364